Muir Woods Photo Gallery

Below is a listing of images and standard GIF images of Muir Woods National Monument. By clicking on them you will bring up a larger JPEG view of them. Some may take time to load and look slightly pixilated if you have only 256 colors (8 bit) versus thousands or millions of colors. Be sure to visit the Muir Woods write-up as well.

  1. Entrance - established in 1908 to save one of the last redwood groves in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  2. Emerald forest - here lies an enchanted forest
  3. Open countryside - Muir Woods lies tucked away in Redwood Canyon like an oasis among these sparsely vegetated hills
  4. Docent support - many of the people who run Muir Woods generously volunteer their time.
  5. Squiggly tree - what kind of tree is this one?
  6. Coast Redwood - some majestic redwoods grow to 250 feet and 13 feet in diameter here.

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