Atmosphere & Climate
1) latitude
- position (location)
- angle (seasons)
2) distribution of land and water (continentality)
- general moderating effects
- specific heat
- maritime vs. continental climates
- San Francisco (Csb) vs. Kansas City (snow climate)
3) ocean & atmospheric currents
- California Current
- upwelling
- Westerlies
- source of air (air masses)
4) pressure patterns
high and low pressure cells
- global pressure cells
- pattern of world's arid lands
- Pacific (Hawaiian) high pressure cell
- cause of summer drought
- shift with seasons
5) mountains
- orographic (elevation) effect
- Normal Lapse Rate - 3.5° F / 1000 feet
- increased cooling and likelihood of precip.
- green forest & lots of rain / snow
- rainshadow effect
- Lone Pine (back side of Mt. Whitney)