American Settlement
- II
Coming of the Railroad Age and Interurban cars
old transportation
bridge a "continental" nations
develop commerce with Asia
land speculation
and financial project
1860's - Building of the Transcontinental Railroad
Theodore Judah's vision; Donner Pass
rise of the "
Big Four
Stanford, Crocker, Huntington, and Hopkins
financing by gov't
Congress provides
development bonanza
every other sections each side (10 mi.) per 1 mile track
SP great land ownerlabor needs
great labor needs
story of the Chinese
Central Pacific R.R. (soon Southern Pacific) Monopoly
no competition
fix rates
develop where they wanted
acquire vast tracts of land and control
- "
largest employer & land owner
promotion of the Southern Pacific
tourism & Sunset Magazine
cheap fares and eager midwestern migrants
coincides with health rush
1870's - Dry Farming, Reclamation, and Irrigation Colonies
no cultivation during mining days
railroad expansion & towns laid out; land speculation
wheat production
- nations #2
producer based on industrial model
expansion of rice, orchards, cotton, vineyards
water rights (riparian vs. prior appropriation)
growth of citrus industry (navel orange, RR's, and marketing)
1880's - Real Estate Boom
Santa Fe RR reach L.A. (1885)
fare wars & land development
Southern Cal exceeds Northern Cal
Oil as "Black Gold" (1890s, 1920s, 1950s)
Southern San Joaquin Valley: Maricopa/Taft, Bakersfield/Oildale
Los Angeles Basin: Signal Hill, Long Beach, Huntington Beach,
Torrance, Santa Monica, Malibu - biggest discoveries
Off-shore drilling from Long Beach to Santa Barbara
Hollywood and the Movie Industry (1915
setting: "Westerns" belonged, varied climate,
lots of sunshine, open space, escaped Eastern "trusts"
1st in San Francisco Bay Area - Niles Canyon
rise of the great studios: Paramount, Universal, MGM
"star" system adds greatly to the glamour of California
World War II
and the rise of the Defense Industry
the Great Depression ends, Federal spending skyrockets
rise of industrialization & workforce
Oakland - shipyards
migrant & ethnic
Los Angeles & San Diego -
Aircraft plants
skyrocketing employment
Rise of Suburbia
WW II veterans
introduction of the uniform tract homes
continuation of defense industry
Contemporary Landscapes
Growing urban centers (L.A. to
San Diego
skyrocketing housing prices driving >
rise of high density housing (condos, etc.)
Bay Area Growth: Tracy, Stockton, Gilroy ...
growth of secondary cities:
Redding, Santa Rosa, Modesto, Fresno, Bakersfield, Ventura
Sacramento Growth - Reno to SF Bay Area along I-80 corridor
American Settlement Worksheet 2
California Index