California in Context
- Third (3rd) largest state in terms of land area (158,693
dry climate known as Mediterranean (rainy winter
- oasis among the American West desert
- where lacking water - most advanced aqueduct system in
- Greatest physical diversity of any state (elevation, climate,
- highest & lowest point in continental United States
- (Mt. Whitney 14,495 and Death Valley -282)
- year-round snow and glaciers to the hottest temperatures
recorded in the U.S.
- lush, temperate rainforest (redwoods) to arid deserts
- oldest lake in U.S.- Mono Lake (700,000 years old)
- largest alpine lake in U.S. - Lake Tahoe (22 x 12 mi.
area & 1600 deep)
- largest trees in the world
- Giant Sequoia in the Sierra Nevada (40 diameter)
- tallest trees in the world - Coast Redwoods along N.
California coast
- oldest trees in the world - Bristlecone Pine (over 5,000
years old)
- Vast storehouse of natural resources & land
- nearly 1/2 land owned
by government
- enormous forests & mining lands
- enormous amounts of timber
- largest gold mines in U.S.
- vast watershed (Sierra-Nevada)
- Pacific Ocean (Monterey, Eureka, Crescent City)
- great oil fields & off-shore drilling
- rich alluvial soils of the Great Central Valley for Agriculture
- open lands (Sierra-Nevada, Klamath, Modoc Plateau, Mojave...)
- Greatest Population, Cultural Diversity and Wealth
- largest population in the U.S. (38 million plus)
- largest percentage of immigration (from other states
and countries)
- largest cultural diversity (Hispanic, Chinese, Japanese,
Filipino, Korean, Hmong, Indian, Sikh, African-American, Russian,
German, Irish, Italian, Portuguese, Jewish, Arabic, Armenian, French...)
- strongest economy - if ranked as a country, would place
among top 10 countries in the world!
- Economic diversity - agriculture, industry (steel, oil, manf.),
high tech, banking, retail, entertainment, aerospace, tourism, government
- Introduction Worksheet