Landform Provinces - Worksheet
Directions: see if you can recall by memory some facts about California, without using your notes. Quiz your partner on these questions.
1. What landform province
is associated with the Pacific Flyway?
2. What landform province
is associated with extensive escarpments and sunken valleys?
3. What landform province
is associated with a giant batholith?
4. Which are the only mountain ranges oriented east and west?
5. What mountain ranges
are associated with a jumble of geology injected with a good dose of serpentine
(our state rock)?
6. What landform province
is associated with Baja California?
7. Where would you find extensive and recent lava flows?
8. Where would you find
the Franciscan assemblage of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, often prone
to landslides during wet years?
9. What landform province
is associated with Mt. Lassen?