California Physical Features 1
Water Bodies
- Goose Lake
- Lake Tahoe
- Mono Lake
- Monterey Bay
- Owens Lake
- Salton Sea
- Santa Barbara Channel
Valleys and Plains
- Carrizo Plain
- Death Valley
- Imperial Valley
- L.A. Basin
- Modoc Plateau
- Mojave Desert
- Mojave Valley
- Napa Valley
- Owens Valley
- Pajaro Valley
- Panamint Valley
- Sacramento Valley
- Salinas Valley
- San Fernando Valley
- San Joaquin Valley
- Santa Ana Basin
- Santa Clara Valley
- Santa Maria Valley
- Shasta Valley
- Sierra Valley
- Surprise Valley
- Warner Range
Cape and Points
- Cape Mendocino
- Pt. Arena
- Pt. Concepcion
- Pt. Reyes
- Pt. Sur