1) Find a California current issue. It can be environmental, cultural, fiscal (money), transportation, etc.
- Avoid issues such as local homocide or national global warming
- The cost to build and maintain a California prison is an appropriate issue -- but incarcerating John Doe is not appropriate.
- National stories do not count and no credit will be given.
2) Find articles about your issue. You need a minimum of 3 articles, but more is better. (Each one is worth 5 points)
- Then summarize the main points of each article, which may be abbreviated using bullets.
- Place your summary sheet on top of each article that you use.
3) Write a short paper (See Canvas for details)
- Synthesize all the various points into one paper.
- Make sure to organize your thought in logical order.
- The articles with summaries is your bibliography.
4) Outline
- Prepare an outline for talking points.
- Please include this outline as the top page.
Check List:
__ Three (3) summaries with full article printed
__ Short paper (4 pages min.) synthesizing all key points
__ Prepare outline