Chapter 10 - Development Quiz Outline
Economic Indicators - A Decent Standard of Living
- A Decent Standard of Living -- particularly PPP (Big Mac factor) =
- GDP =
- Know basics of Economic Structure, such as primary, secondary, tertiary sectors
- brief in book but lots in lecture
- know "value-added" definition and examples
- Productivity -
Access to Knowledge / Health & Wealth (Social Indicators)
- U.N.s believes what about the Quantity & Quality of Schooling?
- Look at the literacy rate maps. Which regions of world are very low?
- skip variations within countries but look at regions
- examine Africa & the middle East
- Consumer Goods (know 3 key goods) related to transportation & communication (information)
Key Issue 2 - Where are Inequalities in Development Found?
- U.N.s believes what about gender inequality?
- Where are the lowest scores (using Adjusted HDI)?
- Has Inequality increased or decreased in Developed (MDCs) Countries like the U.S.?
- Look at Gender Inequality Index map to see where are the lowest numbers (regions).
(skip "Gender Empowerment & Employment")
Reproductive Health
- What is maternal mortality rate & where is it highest?
- What is Core & Periphery?
Key Issue 3 - Challenges / Two Paths to Development
- know basics of both Self-sufficiency path & International trade path (lots of info. here)
- what is the intent of the self-sufficiency model?
- what is an example of self-sufficiecy?
- what makes the international / global trade model desirable given so many LDCs have converted.
- What are the four (4) dragons?
- World Trade Organization (WTO) - what is its mission?
- What is Foreign Direct Investment?
- What are the two (2) major lending institutions?
Skip ahead to Key Issue 4 - what are the very basics of "Fair Trade"?
- What does it promote?
- What help does it give to protect the environment?
- What help does it give to workers?