Geography means -
What is culture?
What is site & situation? Use an example, such as Chicago.
What is the term for the study of human-environmental relationships?
Know definitions and general points of remote sensing and GPS:
GIS, a spatial database, stands for what?
What are the main components of a spatial database?
Find an example of a GIS solving a spatial problem.
What are the main components of a map (specifically understanding scale)?
Projections __________ the surface of the Earth in some way. (In other words, explain what is the function of a projection.)
Latitude and Longitude have synonyms, what are they?
"West is Best" -- so if you travel west (like San Francisco to China), what happens to you watch as you cross the international date line?
Review cultural globalization and local diversity.
Distribution is the arrangement of objects, people & even ideas on the landscape. How can this concept be further be classified?
What are the three (3) different kinds of regions (formal, etc.)?
From above, give formal definitons of each region type and list at least one example for each.Hearth -
Define relocation diffusion & expansion diffusion, using some examples.
What is the study of demography?
What are the most populated countries?
What is the textbook's main reason for overpopulation?
Where do most people live (general regions like East Asia)?
Half of the world's total population are comprised of whom?
Which regions are the most urbanized in the world?
How is Crude Birth Rate (CBR) different than the Natural Increase Rate (NIR)?
How is Crude Birth Rate (CBR) different than the Fertility Rate?
Where is the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) likely to exceed 40?
Where is the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) likely to be less than 20?
Where in the world are the highest rates of natural increase?
Why is physiological density more meaningful than arithmetic density?
A population pyramid with a broad base suggests what?What are elements of a population pyramid?
What is the significance of high dependance ratios (define and elaborate)?
Demographic Transition - what are the main characteristics?
Are any countries in stage 1 of the Demographic Transition?
What are the main characteristics in stage 2 of the Demographic Transition> also for stage 3 and stage 4?
What stage is the United States currently in?
What stage is Saudi Arabia currently in?
In general, what the relationship between per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Crude Birth Rates and natural increase?