World Circulation
movie - water vapor
- attempt to equalize
- assist movement
of ocean currents
- transfers heat
- acts like hills
(or "ridges") and valleys ("troughs")
- redirects air
masses and weather patterns
- Isobars
- map pressure
Wind Circulation - horizontal movement of air
- Pressure gradient -
relative closeness of isobar lines
- closely spaced isobars = steeper gradient
- steeper gradient
= stronger winds
- flow from high pressure to low pressure always
- Coriolis Effect deflects
winds flowing down pressure gradients
- greatest effect
at poles, virtually no effect at equator
- Northern Hemisphere
(opposite in S. Hemi) - deflects right
- Upper atmosphere
and equator - pressure gradient and Coriolis Effect are balanced
- "Geostropic
winds" flow parallel to isobars
- Friction
from landmasses
- reduces wind speed
- reduces Coriolis Effect
- surface winds blow
across isobars
- broken by continents - especially by "friction" near the surface