and Storms
Distribution of Precipitation
Equatorial Regions
- high temperatures & humidity
- Intertropical Convergence
Zone (ITC)
- convectional (or
thermal) lifting
- heaviest rains (over
Subtropical Regions
Trade Wind zones to Subtropical Highs
- West Coasts - subsidence
from high pressure zones
- Worlds great
deserts and Mediterranean climates (10" - 40")
- seasonal rainfall
- Eastern coast and high
islands (40 - 80")
- Laden moisture from
Trade Winds
Northern Latitudes
(zone of the Westerlies)
- Frontal precipitation
- collision of air
masses creates precipitation
- Heavy orographic precipitation
along mountains
- Sierra Nevada, Cascades,
- rainshadows on leeward
- Great Basin, Patagonia,
Asian deserts
- Seasonal monsoon - rain
in summer
- Gulf of Mexico &
mid-west states
Polar Regions (zone
of Polar Highs)
- Lack of lifting and holding
capacity in winter
- Precipitation in summer
(only 10")