Atmospheric Pressure
Global Pressure and Wind Systems
Preliminary / Review Questions
(in-class exercise)
Idealized Belts
- in a perfect world
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
Subtropical High (STH)
source of two (2 of 3) major global wind systems - Trade Winds and Westerlies
Class Exercise
Pacific High
Azores High (off Africa)
Trade Winds (Commerce Winds)
the most consistent winds blowing from the east
over vast ocean expanses (except where landmasses occur)
originate as warm, dry winds capable of absorbing enormous amounts of water
winds evaporate large amounts of water with dddssstremendous potential for storms
releases moisture with uplifting when encountering landmasses (such as Hawaii)
Westerlies (winds of the mid-latitudes)
winds blow from west to east
bring much of the storms during winter
not as consistent as Trade winds due to landform barriers and interruptions
winds aloft are "geostrophic" and blow very predominently at high speeds (from the west)
Rossby wave
- meadering flow caused by cold polar winds dipping into warmer tropical air
mixing of northerly cold air and southly warm air result in frequent and severe weather
Polar Highs
Polar Easterlies
Subpolar Lows
60 degrees latitude; area of convergence (dynamically induced)
surface convergence between the cold air from the North Pole and
warm air from the subtropics resulting in rising air (a surface low)
So. Hemisphere -
continuous belt
due to ocean
No. Hemisphere -
cyclonic cells
(Icelandic Low and Aleutian Low)
Example: South Asian