Weathering & Mass Wasting
- collective term for all
downslope movements
- triggered by steep slopes
(gravity) as material loses resistance
- angle of repose
= steepest talus slope angle
- steepness increased
with more angular pieces and less
with sand
- other factors effect
move, especially water
- minor shaking can also trigger movement (earthquakes)
Slow Mass Movement
- creep - slowest
movement usually evident with surface features
- solifluction -
common in high altitudes where permafrost prevails
Rapid Mass Movement
- landslide - massive
movement of earth as a unit
- medium moisture - no lubrication needed; no fluid flow
- fast (instaneous collapse)
- often noisy & destructive leaving mess at bottom
- 1925 Gros Ventre Landslide (east of Jackson Hole, WY)
- rockslide - blocks
of bedrock and rock along joints or cracks
- rockfall - steep
drops with loosened rock (usually in spring)
- slump - characterized
by ampitheater shaped bowl
- common during wet
- moisture collects
at base in clay sedimentary soils
- Californias
coastal foothills are prime area
- due to loose
sediment hills
- earthflow - almost
liquefied movement of regolith
- Earth often moves limited distance and not as liquified as the next mass wasting...
- mudflow - most
liquefied rapid movement of material (nearly like muddy stream)
- common in California
especially with loosely vegetated (fire burned) soils
- also in volcanic
regions when ash and water mix to create a deadly slurry
- Stanislaus
River (Bear
Valley) example (fairly fast and wet)
- up to 12 mph and El Nino year with very heavy rain
- "lahars"
come from steep, snow & glacier capped peaks
- rapid melt with eruption burying entire villages
- Cascade hazard
- Mt. Ranier