



C Geography Classes


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Introduction to ArcGIS

Units : 1       Transfer : CSU/UC
Hours Per Week : 18 total hours


Geog 91A - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping software used to manage, analyze and display spatial information. Create reports and map layouts, query geographic databases, and solve spatial problems. Emphasis on using GIS software for practical applications in the fields of natural resource management, disaster mapping, cartographic design, urban planning, business and other related fields.

Course Student Learning Outcomes - GEOG 0091A - Beginning Arc GIS Software

CSLO 1 - Demonstrate ability to add data to ArcMap with layers lined up correctly and accurately with synchronized projections.

CSLO 2 - Label geographic features on map with software using standard cartographic principles.

CSLO 3 - Draw and edit geographic features.

CSLO 4 - Create and edit databases (with domains, fields, etc) including creating Arc GIS Geodatabases.

CSLO 5 - Perform queries on attribute tables.

CSLO 6 - Perform spatial queries on map layers.

Geog 91B - Builds on principles from Geog. 91A focusing on GIS analysis, ArcTools and ArcView extensions. Emphasis on advanced functions, spatial analysis and 3D modeling used in environmental and watershed assessment, natural hazard analysis, business site analysis, resource management and land-use planning.

Course Student Learning Outcomes - GEOG 0091B - Intermediate Arc GIS Software

CSLO 1 - Compare and contrast different geographic coordinate systems, map projections and datums used in GIS.


CSLO 2 - Evaluate effective map design based on cartographic principle and use of scale.


CSLO 3 - Convert and incorporate GPS data, CAD data, other databases or tables into the GIS using software techniques.

CSLO 4 - Develop metadata as part of data dictionary; explain attributes and value codes.




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