Representations of Earth

Fact or Fiction Quiz

1) A small-scale map shows a small area. Fact or Fiction?

2) A degree of latitude is divided into degrees and minutes only. Fact or Fiction?

3) In the Public Land Survey (Township & Range), a section equals 36 square miles. Fact or Fiction?

4) The Mercator projection is a conical type of projection. Fact or Fiction?

5) The Great Circle cuts the Earth exactly in half. Fact or Fiction?

6) Time zones straddle every 15 degree meridian starting with the prime meridian. Fact or Fiction?

7) Latitude determines a point's location East and West of the Prime Meridian. Fact or Fiction?

8) UTM stands for Universal Transverse Mercator. Fact or Fiction?

9) The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses a network of satellites to accurately determine one's location on the Earth's surface. Fact or Fiction?

10) A person traveling west across the International Date line must turn the calendar back one day. Fact or Fiction?

