Sean Booth - about my world-view

sac intl

  • Capital Airshow -- Pilot at student flying event (Spring 2013)



  • High Sierra Nevada Flight (Bridgeport, California - 2011)
    • Piper Archer II - great geographer's airplane

  • South Yuba River Citizen League (SYRCL) - Wild & Scenic Film Festival - film selection committee (Fall 2013)

  • Extreme Weather Symposium - Sacramento's great flood of 1862 (Summer 2012)

  • World Travel to Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic (Summer 2009)

  • Recipient of the Sierra Club "Environmental Education" of the Year Award
    -- Sacramento Valley -- Mother Lode Chapter
    "Sean is a Professor of Geography at Sierra College and in addition to being a teacher, he found a calling as an activist. He became a member of the Placer Group Executive Committee, got appointed to the Biological Working Group for the Placer County Conservation Plan, and then joined the cause of saving Clover Valley. His contribution was the production of a full-length video entitled, "Clover Valley -- Last of Its Kind." The film examines the motivations of a small group of local residents who have engaged in a seven year battle to save this unique place. Somehow spared from becoming part of the surrounding urban sprawl, Clover Valley is now threatened by a major development project. The natural, historical and cultural values of the valley are lovingly explored in Sean's film, as it convincingly makes the case that we will have lost something of our human spirit if places like this are not preserved."

clover valley

  • Produced a hour-long documentary movie
    "Clover Valley -- Last of Its Kind " (Fall 2006)

  • Extreme Weather Symposium, U.C. Davis (Summer 2006)

  • Executive Committee, Placer Group Sierra Club (2006 - 2007)

  • Coordinator and speaker - "Placer's Future: This Land is Your Land" - a public forum on open space, agriculture, development and conservation planning (Fall 2005)
  • Member of Natural History Museum Committee, Career and Technical Education Committee, and Benefits subcommittee

  • Coordinator of Sierra College annual - People and Culture Days -- held each Fall Semester

  • Sierra Nevada Virtual Museum contributor - GIS relief maps and Pacific Crest Trail virtual tour

  • Appointed Member of the Biological Stakeholders Group of Placer County Conservation Plan (PCCP) for long-term planning to preserve open space and critical habitat in western Placer County

  • Develop and assist GIS and conduct watershed analysis for the Dry Creek Conservancy (Spring & Fall 2003)

  • Worked closely with the Dry Creek Conservancy and Sierra College students to establish a plan to gather watershed data using GPS units, for the purposes of monitoring change & stream conditions, and mapping local resources along Secret Ravine (behind Sierra College)

  • Developed curriculum and now coordinate the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, including on-line, weekend and semester-long courses for students and working professionals

  • Designed a mulitude of on-line resources for students (Geography Web pages, course notes, assignments, posted grades, and a community-based GIS data server)

  • World travel to Argentina & Chile (2005); Peru, Bolivia, & Chile (2003); around the world via St. Petersberg, Russia, Mongolia and Southern China (2002); Thailand and Laos (winter 2001); and SW China & Tibet (summer 2001)

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